Do you struggle when applying your makeup?

Imagine this scenario...

You’re standing in front of the mirror just before a night out with friends. You’ve chosen your favourite party dress and dedicated the past hour to getting your hair picture perfect. You’re almost ready – it’s just your makeup that needs applying. Do you:

a) feel excited to apply your makeup as you’re confident with technique and colour selection.
b) brace yourself for a mess, as makeup isn’t your thing.
c) struggle because you want a makeup revamp, but aren’t sure how to update your look — or flatter your ageing skin.

If applying makeup makes you frustrated, messes with your self-esteem or leaves you wondering why you never get it right, I’m here to tell you you’re not alone. And that there's a simple solution.

Perhaps you weren’t taught makeup skills as a teenager, you’re curious how to hide your dark circles, or you’re not sure how to flatter your ageing skin, learning from an experienced makeup instructor will show you that makeup is easy, when you know how.

That’s why the 9-video online Makeup Masterclass uses my 27 years experience as a Celebrity Makeup Artist to share my secrets, teaching you how to save time and have confidence when applying a gorgeous & flawless natural makeup.  

Your ★ Free Trial is waiting...

This popular Makeup Masterclass has boosted the confidence of women in more than 16 countries around the world. However, I know it takes time to build trust and understand if you're not ready to embrace the full course. Simply say Yes! to this ★ Free Trial and receive 3 free videos to help you decide if the full course is right for you.

Ready to start your Makeup Masterclass ★ Free Trial?

Yes, please!
  • Raise Your Confidence

    No more makeup meltdowns or hissy fits in front of the mirror

  • Look & Feel Fabulous

    Step-by-step how to apply a gorgeous & flawless natural makeup

  • Save Time

    Celebrity secrets that will quickly get your makeup looking 10x better

Watch Intro Video

Makeup Masterclass ★ Free Trial

View 3 FREE VIDEOS from the full Makeup Masterclass

Award-Winning Instructor

Maree Stuartt, Celebrity Makeup Artist

  • Maree Stuartt's IMDb profile
  • Emmy Nominated for Best Makeup Team

Meet Your Instructor

  • Maree Stuartt

    Maree Stuartt

    Celebrity Makeup Artist

    Hi, I’m Maree Stuartt, an award-winning Celebrity Makeup Artist who’s travelled the world as part of the film & beauty industries for 27 years. My portfolio of A-List clients is extensive and has included Catherine Zeta Jones, Hugh Jackman, Heath Ledger, Isla Fisher and Vin Diesel. My most notable film achievements include an Australian Film Industry (AFI) Award and Emmy nomination for Best Makeup as part of the teams on ‘The Quiet American’ and ‘The Starter Wife’. I’ve also invested time in teaching Makeup Masterclasses around Australia to women who are eager to boost their makeup skills. My onset work and 1-on-1 with personal clients showed me that confidence with makeup is a common issue for women. Many say they struggle with makeup, it's too hard, they are embarrassed as they don't know how to cover their flaws, or would do anything to get rid of their dark circles. Sadly, I’ve seen this deplete self-esteem and confidence way too often. I know that makeup is easy when you know how, and this is why I’m passionate about helping women boost their confidence with makeup. I truly believe that confidence out shines beauty, and love helping women take the overwhelming confusion out of makeup & feeling good.


“My life is very busy. And thanks to Maree and her makeup course, I’m able to have professional-looking makeup in minutes. I've had so many more comments on my makeup since doing the course. Thank you Maree, your explanations where detalled, simple and practical.”


“The tips are so helpful and I learned so much from this course. I love how easy and simple Maree makes the makeup process. It's wonderful to update on the new trends without looking too over the top. Maree is the best!”


“Very nicely explained”



  • What do I need before I start this Makeup Masterclass ★ Free Trial?

    Nothing! When you're ready to practice though, you will need access to basic makeup products. Using a mirror in a well lit area will also help you perfect your look.

  • Who will benefit most from this Makeup Masterclass ★ Free Trial?

    Anyone trying to decide whether the full 9-video online Makeup Masterclass is right for them.

  • Will this Makeup Masterclass ★ Free Trial teach me how to choose a foundation colour that suits my skin?

    Yes, this free trial will show you how to easily choose a foundation colour that suits your unique skin tone.

  • Which movies has Maree worked on?

    Maree has worked in the Makeup Department of many big budget, blockbuster productions. Some of these include Mao's Last Dancer, The Quiet American, The Starter Wife, Pitch Black, Paperback Hero and The Phantom. She's also had the pleasure of working with many A-List celebrities, including Catherine Zeta-Jones, Isla Fisher, Naomi Watts, Hugh Jackman, Vin Diesel and Heath Ledger.

  • I heard Maree's husband is a Hollywood stunt man. Is this true?

    Yes, this is true. Some of the productions he's worked on include Mad Max: Fury Road, Peter Rabbit, The Great Gatsby, Australia, Superman and Nim's Island.

  • I have questions about this Makeup Masterclass ★ Free Trial. Who do I contact?

    You are welcome to email - [email protected] - anytime with questions.